Dieci artisti per dieci anni

Dieci anni fa, Michael Anastassiades ha avviato la sua collaborazione con Flos, dando vita alla collezione IC. Questa iconica lampada si ispirava originariamente alla traiettoria di una pallina lanciata in aria da un giocoliere, rievocando quel momento di sospensione nello spazio e nel tempo. Per celebrare il decimo anniversario di questa meraviglia in eterno equilibrio, Flos ha deciso di elevarne il design con una nuova finitura in oro, materiale scelto come sinonimo non di lusso, ma di intramontabilità e di quel rapporto di ammirazione e rispetto che suscitano gli oggetti di design.
Come ulteriore testimonianza del ruolo iconico ricoperto dalla lampada IC nell’immaginario collettivo, Flos ha chiesto a dieci artisti di diverse discipline di interpretare questo design a modo loro. Professionisti della fotografia, dell’illustrazione e addirittura della poesia, questi talenti hanno ampliato la percezione della collezione IC, mescolando arte, ironia, mondanità ed eleganza in un portfolio che rende omaggio alla visione nitida di Anastassiades.
Work by
David Luraschi

Work by
Olya Oleinic

Work by
Nicolas Kern

Work by
Luis Úrculo

Work by

Work by
Eduard Sánchez Ribot

Work by
Yago Castromil

Work by
Oscar Grønner

Work by
Aurielle Marie
a light with no end
in the corner of the room, a spark of imagination
unbridled by wire. unspoken art. electric rendering.
satin swallowed line and its tender kindred flame, not
yet hollowed by the dark. hallowed by light. yet, not simply light.
vivid smolder. radiant gleam. impossible balance and audacious,
glow. good for the long day or the slender evening magic. the work
of the witching hour. not simply light, but the warmth of a room,
the cool brass touch of a masterpiece. coy architectural genius,
glass globe holding the world against a dream. impossible life,
impossible trick of effulgence. and yet, some glint of chrome,
some dimmed auburn halo floods a wooden floor and suddenly
the room is a kind of paradox. held captive by the pure joy–
a line meets a lumen and becomes galvanic. more
than a wild slant of metal, more than unstable sequencing.
the kind of brilliance one makes a home with. the center of
celestial orbit. and who has ever lived a life without knowing
at least one twilight held by a lone lamp, some late solitude
searching for a silhouette of dignity. a daring migration. iconic
suspension. the kind of light we all need, but don’t know how to ask for.
an invitation of industrial belonging, a pendant of identity. intricacy. grace.
finally, beauty that brings the bare walls alive. at the end of the journey,
an incandescent figure welcomes you into the room. not simply light, no.
not simply a lamp. not a mere bulb and baton. beyond the invention of
brass, surpassing shape and material. innovation, taking the form of
illumination, here. dextere and determined to shine. a statement
of place. a demand of ownership. a command to come in from the night.
every life deserve this kind of light. this quality of power, to build a room with.
to gold a house. to journey home toward, diffuse the lonely night. to balance
the opal glow and electric chrome. a dance of metal and meaning.
not simply light, but life. all done in a room, filled with it. inspired by it.
just like us. like you. like me.
waking up a room.
coming alive. coming home.
Work by
Jay Daniel Wright